The Perfect Womens Sweat Suit

The Perfect Womens Sweat Suit

A shift in job culture and the popularity of the 1968 Olympics sparked a fitness and running craze in the US like never before. People wanted to be fit and they wanted to look good while doing it.

1968 olympics and tracksuits

Everyone wanted to show that they were heath conscious. That desire birthed a love or sweat suits and athletic wear. It was now acceptable and even cool to wear Sweat Suits and track suits outside of the gym. Sweatsuits were extremely popular. Sweatsuits quickly became the go to for running around town and looking cool while doing it. In the 80's Run DMC and Adidas made the sweatsuit a staple to the hip hop community. 

By this time you could find sweat suits made out of many different synthetic materials and all of the top designers had a version even patterns were sold to anyone that wanted to design their own sweatsuit.

By the 90's the Juicy Coutur velour sweat suit became wildly popular when it was seen on several pop and hip hop stars. Followed by Sean John's velour sweatsuits and the famous Rocawear powder blue ladies velour suit. You know the one ..."I think I might wife her. You know, powder blue Roc-A-Wear suit, white Nike her".

Fast forward to 2019 and the sweat suit is still a major key in anyone's closet. 

You can find classic affordable Mens, Womens and kids tracksuits to buy at . 

Check the links below.

Sweatsuits for womenTrack suits and sweat suits for mensweat suits for kids


Rebel Pink Sweatsuit

Burgundy Walker Wear Sweatsuit

Grey V Style Sweatsuit

Boys Tracksuit Jordan Craig

Oct 3rd 2019

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